Test your knowledge of names and share the result with your friends!

The questions in this name quiz may be presented in different ways. Please read each question carefully then choose the correct answer.

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Remaining time to complete this name quiz:

90 s

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You have 0 correct, 0 wrong and 0 unanswered questions.

1. What is the gender of the name Coty?

Need help about this question? Check the names Coty and Maureen.

2. Which of the following names is Female?

Need help about this question? Check the names Ladislava and Richard.

3. When is the name day of Richard?

Need help about this question? Check the names Richard and Coty.

4. The name day of which name is on the 12 November?

Need help about this question? Check the names Mair and Ross.

5. What is the meaning of the name Maureen?

Need help about this question? Check the names Maureen and Coty.

6. Which of the following names means Dawn?

Need help about this question? Check the names Aurora and Richard.

7. What is the origin of the name Ross?

Need help about this question? Check the names Ross and Richard.

8. Which of the following names is Hebrew?

Need help about this question? Check the names Jori and Coty.

9. What is the growth number of the name Domenic?

Need help about this question? Check the names Domenic and Richard.

10. Which of the following names has the growth number 1?

Need help about this question? Check the names Monica and Coty.