Amy Lee

Name: Amy Lee
Gender: Female
Country of nationality: United States of America
Occupation: Pianist, Singer, Songwriter, Vocalist
Birthday: 13 December 1981
Age: 43
Astrological sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5 ft 3 in, 161 cm

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Numerology of the first name Amy: calculate the core numbers of your numerology chart to discover your numerological profile and your personality traits.

The Growth number corresponding to this first name is 3. It denotes a pattern that assists you in growth and development: expressive, imaginative, sociable, jovial, positive, optimistic, artistic.

Qualities: Creative, Light-Hearted
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Colors: Purple, Lilac, Mauve
Gemstones: Amethyst
Astrological sign: Sagittarius

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Amy Lynn Hartzler (née Lee; born December 13, 1981), known professionally as Amy Lee, is an American singer-songwriter and classically trained pianist. She is co-founder and lead vocalist of the rock band Evanescence. She cites influences ranging from composers such as Mozart and Danny Elfman, to contemporary artists Björk, Tori Amos, Plumb and Shirley Manson. Along with her contributions to Evanescence, Lee has also participated on numerous other musical projects including Walt Disney Records' Nightmare Revisited and Muppets: The Green Album. Lee has performed collaborations with artists such as Korn, Seether, and David Hodges. Lee is also the American chairperson for the international epilepsy awareness foundation, Out of the Shadows. Revolver Magazine named Lee the #1 Hottest Chick in Hard Rock for their 2011 annual issue and she appeared on the front cover. In February 2012, VH1 placed Amy Lee at #49 in the Top 100 Greatest Women in Music. In April 2012, Lee won the Best Vocalist honor at the Revolver Golden Gods Awards. In 2013, Amy Lee was named the 2012 Rock Goddess of the Year in the Loudwire Music Awards and the Hottest Woman in Music 2013 in the NME Awards.

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