Magný is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name.

Tags: Female, First name, Iceland

Origin: Breton.
Magod is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name.

Tags: Breton, Female, First name, France

Magomedgasan is not a popular first name.

Tags: First name

Magro is not a popular first name.

Tags: First name

Maguelonne is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name.

Tags: Female, First name, France

Origin: Biblical.
Mahalaeel is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name.

Tags: Biblical, First name, Male

Origin: Biblical.
Mahalaéel is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name.

Tags: Biblical, First name, Male

Origin: Biblical.
Mahalalel is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name.

Tags: Biblical, First name, Male

Origin: African.
Mahama is an African given name and surname. People with this name include:

Tags: African, First name

Mahamet is not a popular first name.

Tags: First name