Malyk is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name.

Tags: First name, Male

Origin: Norse.
Meaning: Man of the meadow.
Manley is the given name of: M. Caldwell Butler (born 1925), U.S. Representative from Virginia Manley Sonny Carter (1947-1991), American […]

Tags: First name, Male, Norse

Mareta is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name.

Tags: Female, First name

Marilea is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name.

Tags: Female, First name

Maybe is not a popular first name.

Tags: First name, United States of America

Memi is not a popular first name.

Tags: First name

Miloud(ميلود in Arabic) is a masculine Given name which refers to the birth of the Prophet of Islam Muhamed El […]

Tags: First name, France, Male

Momon is not a popular first name.

Tags: First name, United States of America

Mushka is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name.

Tags: Female, First name

Meaning: Cute.
Nazy is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name.

Tags: Female, First name