Aaniya is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name.

Tags: Female, First name

Abdulkader is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name.

Tags: First name, Male

Aizah is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name.

Tags: Female, First name

Akeen is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name.

Tags: First name, Male

Origin: Latin.
Meaning: Fair blond.
Alben is both a surname and a given name. Notable people with the name include: Surname: Alex Alben (born 1958), […]

Tags: First name, Latin, Male

Amonie is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name.

Tags: Female, First name

Andrianna is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name.

Tags: Female, First name, Greece

Anney is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name.

Tags: Female, First name, Iceland

Ashot or Ashod is an Armenian given name. Notable persons with that surname include:

Tags: Armenia, First name, Male

Asok is not a popular first name.

Tags: First name