Meaning: Crystal, Brilliant glass.
Name day: 12 November.
Krystal is a very popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name.

Tags: Female, First name, New Zealand

Origin: Latin.
Meaning: Happy, Happiness.
Name day: 14 January.
The name Felicia derives from the Latin adjective felix, meaning "happy", though in the neuter plural form felicia it literally […]

Tags: Austria, Female, First name, Latin

Origin: Hebrew.
Meaning: Fire-white, Fire white.
Candice, from the Latin "Candidus" is a feminine name to be compared to Candide, whose feast day is June 14. […]

Tags: Belgium, Female, First name, Hebrew

Meaning: Days eye, Daisy flower.
Daisy is a feminine given name, commonly thought to be derived from the name of the flower. However the flower […]

Tags: Belgium, Estonia, Female, First name

Meaning: Lover of glory, Pleasant.
Miloš (Serbian, Montenegrin and Croatian: Miloš, Macedonian: Милош, Polish: Miłosz, Czech: Miloš) is a Slavic masculine given name common in […]

Tags: First name, France, Male

Origin: Latin.
Meaning: Small, Little.
Name day: 12 November.
Pavlina is a very popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name.

Tags: Albania, Bulgaria, Female, First name, Greece, Latin

Origin: Latin.
Meaning: Thor mind, Thor courage.
Norma is a female name. The name Norma was referenced around 1203, though Norma might have been created through an […]

Tags: Colombia, Denmark, Female, First name, Ireland, Latin

Origin: Basque.
Meaning: To tame, Sweet and harmless.
Name day: 21 February.
Damien is a proper name that may refer to:

Tags: Australia, Basque, Belgium, First name, Male

Origin: Hindi.
Meaning: Sagacity, Lord of gems.
Manish (also Maneesh) (Devanagari: मनिष or मनीष) is a common Hindu masculine given name that literally means "The God of […]

Tags: First name, Hindi, India, Male

Meaning: Western meadow, The west meadow.
Wesley, a shortened version of "Wesleydale", is a name with an Anglo-Norman etymology. The "wes" portion of the name refers […]

Tags: Bahamas, Belgium, First name, France, Germany, Male