Daggy is not a popular first name.

Tags: First name, United States of America

Meaning: Shining sun.
Dagobert is a male given name, from Old Frankish dag "day" (cognate with Dagr) and berath "bright".

Tags: Austria, First name, Male

Meaning: Calm and tame.
Damiean is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name.

Tags: First name, Male

Daner is not a popular first name.

Tags: First name

Daniely is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name.

Tags: Female, First name

Dapa is not a popular first name.

Tags: First name, France

Darone is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name.

Tags: First name, Male

Dassie is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name.

Tags: Female, First name

Davino is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name.

Tags: First name, Italy, Male

Delinah is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a unisex (male and female) name.

Tags: Female, First name, Male