Imperio is not a popular first name.
First names and their meaning - Page 8487
Inengah is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name.
Origin: Hebrew.
Meaning: He will enlarge.
Iokepa is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name.
Iriska is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name.
Meaning: War goddess.
Irmine is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name.
Meaning: He that anoints.
Iscah is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name.
Origin: Sanskrit.
Meaning: The lord, Ruler.
Ishwara is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name.
Meaning: Sign, Or coming of god.
Ithiel is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name.
Itoh is not a popular first name.
Origin: Latin.
Meaning: Adolescent.
Iunia is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name.