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Celebrities Birthday Calendar 11 January
Amanda Peet
Amanda Peet (born January 11, 1972) is an American actress and playwright who has appeared in film, stage and television. […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 11 January 1972. Age: 53.
Devin Ratray
Devin D. Ratray (born January 11, 1977) is an American actor, singer and songwriter. He is most famous for his […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 11 January 1977. Age: 48.
Kim Coles
Kim Coles (born January 11, 1962) is an American actress and comedian, known for her role as a cast member […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 11 January 1962. Age: 63.
Manny Acta
Manuel Elias Acta (born January 11, 1969) is a former professional baseball manager who is currently a broadcast analyst for […]
Country of nationality: India.
Born: 11 January 1969. Age: 56.
Marc Blucas
Marcus Paul "Marc" Blucas (born January 11, 1972) is an American actor, known for playing Riley Finn in Buffy the […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 11 January 1972. Age: 53.
Rachel Riley
Rachel Annabelle Riley (born 11 January 1986) is an English television presenter best known for being a co-presenter on Countdown […]
Country of nationality: United Kingdom.
Born: 11 January 1986. Age: 39.
Rockmond Dunbar
Rockmond Dunbar (born January 11, 1973 in Berkeley, California) is an American actor. He is perhaps best known for his […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 11 January 1973. Age: 52.