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Celebrities Birthday Calendar 14 February
Bacary Sagna
Bacary Sagna (French pronunciation: [bakaʁi saɲa]) (born 14 February 1983) is a French footballer who plays for English club Manchester […]
Country of nationality: France.
Born: 14 February 1983. Age: 41.
Dean Gaffney
Dean Martin Gaffney (born 14 February 1978) is an English actor. He is best known for his role as Robbie […]
Country of nationality: United Kingdom.
Born: 14 February 1978. Age: 46.
Drew Bledsoe
Drew Bledsoe (born February 14, 1972) is a former American football quarterback who played fourteen seasons in the National Football […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 14 February 1972. Age: 52.
Erica Leerhsen
Erica Lei Leerhsen (born February 14, 1976) is an American actress. She first gained recognition for her part in the […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 14 February 1976. Age: 48.
Jim Kelly
James Edward Kelly (born February 14, 1960) is a retired American football player, a quarterback in the National Football League […]
Born: 14 February 1960. Age: 64.
Matt Barr
Matthew Jerome "Matt" Barr (born February 14, 1984) is an American actor. He is best known for his roles as […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 14 February 1984. Age: 40.
Meg Tilly
Meg Tilly (born February 14, 1960) is a Canadian-American actress and novelist. She is best known for her performances in […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 14 February 1960. Age: 64.
Simon Pegg
Simon John Pegg (né Beckingham, born 14 February 1970) is an English actor, comedian, screenwriter, and film producer. He is […]
Country of nationality: United Kingdom.
Born: 14 February 1970. Age: 54.
Tiffany Thornton
Tiffany Dawn Thornton (born February 14, 1986) is an American actress and singer best known for her co-starring role as […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 14 February 1986. Age: 38.
Valente Rodriguez
Valente Rodriguez (born February 14, 1964) is an American actor. He is best known for his role as Ernesto "Ernie" […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 14 February 1961. Age: 63.