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José Alberto Pujols Alcántara (born January 16, 1980), better known as Albert Pujols (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈalβert puˈxols]), is a Dominican-American […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 16 January 1980. Age: 45.

Josie Rebecca Davis (born January 16, 1973) is an American actress, best known for her role as Sarah Powell in […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 16 January 1973. Age: 52.

Mason Wilson Gamble (born January 16, 1986) is an American actor known for his portrayal of Dennis Mitchell in the […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 16 January 1986. Age: 39.

Trent Ford (born January 15, 1979) is a British-American actor and model.
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 16 January 1979. Age: 46.

Yvonne Marie Zima (born January 16, 1989) is an American actress. She is best known for her role as Daisy […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 16 January 1989. Age: 36.