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Carla Bruni, now known by her name of use Carla Bruni-Sarkozy (born Carla Gilberta Bruni Tedeschi; Italian pronunciation: [ˈkarla dʒilˈbɛrta […]
Born: 23 December 1967. Age: 56.

Eddie Vedder (born Edward Louis Severson; December 23, 1964) is an American musician, singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist who is best […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 23 December 1964. Age: 59.

Estella Dawn Warren (born December 23, 1978) is a Canadian actress, former fashion model, and a former synchronized swimmer. During […]
Born: 23 December 1978. Age: 45.

Holly Sue Cullen (born December 23, 1979), known professionally as Holly Madison, is an American model, showgirl and television personality. […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 23 December 1979. Age: 44.

James Joseph "Jim" Harbaugh (/ˈhɑrbɔː/; born December 23, 1963) is an American former professional football player, and the current head […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 23 December 1963. Age: 60.

Summer Danielle Altice (born December 23, 1979) is an American fashion model and actress. She was named after Miss USA […]
Born: 23 December 1979. Age: 44.