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Celebrities Birthday Calendar 30 January
Andy Milonakis
Andrew Michael "Andy" Milonakis (born January 30, 1976) is an American actor, writer, rapper, and comedian. He is best known […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 30 January 1976. Age: 48.
Christian Bale
Christian Charles Philip Bale (born 30 January 1974) is an English actor. He has starred in both blockbuster films and […]
Country of nationality: United Kingdom.
Born: 30 January 1974. Age: 50.
Jalen Rose
Jalen Anthony Rose (born January 30, 1973) is a retired American professional basketball player and current sports analyst with ESPN. […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 30 January 1973. Age: 51.
Khleo Thomas
Khaleed Leon "Khleo" Thomas (born January 30, 1989), or simply Khleo, is an American actor, rapper, singer, and entertainer best […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 30 January 1989. Age: 35.
Kid Cudi
Scott Ramon Seguro Mescudi (born January 30, 1984), better known by his stage name Kid Cudi (/ˈkɪd ˈkʌdi/ KID KUD-ee, […]
Country of nationality: United States of America.
Born: 30 January 1984. Age: 40.
Olivia Colman
Sarah Caroline Olivia Colman (born 30 January 1974) is an English actress. She is a three-time BAFTA TV Award winner. […]
Country of nationality: United Kingdom.
Born: 30 January 1974. Age: 50.
Peter James Crouch
Born: 30 January 1981. Age: 43.
Wilmer Valderrama
Wilmer Eduardo Valderrama (born January 30, 1980) is an American actor, singer, dancer, producer and television personality, known for the […]
Country of nationality: Venezuela.
Born: 30 January 1980. Age: 44.