Claudette Pace

Name: Claudette Pace
Birthday: 8 February 1968
Age: 56
Astrological sign: Aquarius

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For privacy reasons, we cannot provide the meaning of this celebrity's name! Instead, please find the Numerology Interpretation for that name.

Numerology of the first name Claudette: calculate the core numbers of your numerology chart to discover your numerological profile and your personality traits.

The Growth number corresponding to this first name is 1. It denotes a pattern that assists you in growth and development: individualistic, determined, pioneering, bold, athletic, independent, active, self-confident.

Qualities: Leader, Determined
Ruling planet: Sun
Colors: Yellow, Orange, Gold
Gemstones: Topaz, Amber
Astrological sign: Aquarius

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Claudette Buttigieg (née Pace) is a Maltese singer born in Naxxar in 1968.

Claudette Pace has participated in many local and international song festivals, and won several prestigious awards. In 1995, Claudette won the Best female artist award at the Malta Music Awards, an award she has been nominated for almost every year. Her CD album Beginnings was also nominated for Best album at the same awards show in 1998. Claudette's favorite musical genre continues being jazz. After winning the Malta Song For Europe festival on 15 January 2000, with the song Desire, penned by Maltese songwriter Gerard James Borg, Claudette Pace went on a small world tour to Germany, Australia and of course Sweden, the host nation of the Eurovision Song Contest 2000, where her entry Desire was much appreciated and finished in top 10, on a nice eighth place. The song became an instant hit and it was subsequently chosen to be the official song for UK's 2001 gay pride event, where she also sang "Power of Pink", a true gay anthem. Through the link below, you can listen to her Eurovision 2000 song "Desire".

Claudette Buttigieg contested the 2013 general election, and was elected to the Maltese Parliament from the 8th electoral district.

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