Name: Emre

Gender: Male

Usage: Emre is a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name.

People having the name Emre are in general originating from Czech Republic, France, Turkey.

Meaning: The meaning of the name Emre is: Friend, Older brother.

Please feel free to read what others say about this name and to share your comments if you have more information.

N.B. Sometimes it happens that another name has the same meaning. There is nothing surprising in this: both names have the same origin or the same numbers of numerology.

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Numerology of the first name Emre: calculate the core numbers of your numerology chart to discover your numerological profile and your personality traits.

The Growth number corresponding to this first name is 5. It denotes a pattern that assists you in growth and development: adventurous, energetic, curious, visionary, magnetic, expansive.

Qualities: Extroverted, Adventurous
Ruling planet: Mercury
Colors: White, Gray
Gemstones: Diamond

Learn more with our free Numerology Tool

The name Emre is ranked on the 3,484th position of the most used names. It means that this name is commonly used.

We estimate that there are at least 98300 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.002% of the population. The name Emre has four characters. It means that it is relatively short-length, compared to the other names in our database.

The graph below represents the number of people who were given the name Emre for each year since 1900 in the U.S.A.:

Created with Highcharts 4.2.3 /Highstock 4.2.3YearPeople born19001910192019301940195019601970198019902000201001020304050

We do not have a name day for Emre.

For other names check our Name Day Calendar

Emre is a Turkish male given name. It may refer to:

  • Emre Altuğ (born 1970), Turkish musician
  • Emre Aracı (born 1968), Turkish music historian, conductor, composer
  • Emre Aydın (born 1981), Turkish rock singer
  • Emre Aşık (born 1973), Turkish footballer
  • Emre Bayav (born 1987), Turkish basketball player
  • Emre Belözoğlu (born 1980), Turkish footballer
  • Emre Can (born 1994), German-Turkish footballer
  • Emre Can (chess player) (born 1990), Turkish Grandmaster chess player
  • Emre Çolak (born 1991), Turkish footballer
  • Emre Elivar (born 1976), Turkish concert pianist
  • Emre Gönensay (born 1937), Turkish politician
  • Emre Güngör (born 1984), Turkish footballer
  • Emre Güral (born 1989), Turkish footballer
  • Emre Gürbüz (born 1991), Turkish footballer
  • Emre İşçiler (born 1989), Turkish footballer
  • Emre Kartari, Turkish jazz percussionist
  • Emre Korkmaz (born 1986), Turkish actor
  • Emre Kızılkaya (born 1982), Turkish journalist
  • Emre Miyasoğlu (born 1981), Turkish writer
  • Emre Nefiz (born 1994), Turkish footballer
  • Emre Ozdemir (born 1981), Turkish editorial cartoonist and illustrator
  • Emre Özkan (born 1988), Turkish footballer
  • Emre Öztürk (footballer) (born 1986), German footballer
  • Emre Sabuncuoğlu (born 1976), Turkish classical guitarist
  • Emre Sahin, Turkish director
  • Emre Şimşek (born 1987), Turkish alpine skier
  • Emre Taner (born 1942), Turkish civil servant
  • Emre Torun (born 1993), Turkish footballer
  • Emre Yüksektepe (born 1991), Turkish footballer

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