Name: Grayson
Gender: Male
Usage: Grayson is a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name.
People having the name Grayson are in general originating from United Kingdom, United States of America.
Variants: For another variant of the name Grayson across the world, see Gray.
Meaning: The meaning of the name Grayson is: Son of gray, Son of the gray haired.
Please feel free to read what others say about this name and to share your comments if you have more information.
N.B. Sometimes it happens that another name has the same meaning. There is nothing surprising in this: both names have the same origin or the same numbers of numerology.
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Numerology of the first name Grayson: calculate the core numbers of your numerology chart to discover your numerological profile and your personality traits.
The Growth number corresponding to this first name is 9. It denotes a pattern that assists you in growth and development: humanitarian, self-sacrificing, idealistic, giving, altruist, devoted, romantic.
Qualities: Compassionate, Idealistic
Ruling planet: Mars
Colors: Red
Gemstones: Bloodstone
Learn more with our free Numerology Tool
The name Grayson is ranked on the 4,259th position of the most used names. It means that this name is commonly used.
We estimate that there are at least 75400 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.002% of the population. The name Grayson has seven characters. It means that it is relatively medium-length, compared to the other names in our database.
The graph below represents the number of people who were given the name Grayson for each year since 1900 in the U.S.A.:
We do not have a name day for Grayson.
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History and Origin
Grayson is both a surname and a given name.
GENDER: Masculine
USAGE: English (Modern)
Meaning & History
Grayson is a surname that is either of Scottish or Irish origin meaning "son of Gray". The name is typically of Norman origin, stemming from a descendant of one of the knights who accompanied William the Conqueror in 1066, Anchetil de Greye.
Related Names
VARIANT: Greyson, Gray ("son of"), Grey ("son of").
Notable people with the name include:
- Alan Grayson (born 1958), former Congressman from Florida's 8th congressional district
- Albert Kirk Grayson (born 1935), Canadian assyriologist
- Andrew Jackson Grayson (1819–1869), American ornithologist and artist
- Bette Grayson (c. 1920–1954), American actress
- Bobby Grayson (1914–1981), American football player
- Bradley Grayson (born 1993), footballer
- C. Jackson Grayson (born 1923), American businessman and head of the US Price Commission (1971–73)
- Cary Travers Grayson (1878–1938), U.S. Navy surgeon
- Dan Grayson, American football player
- David Grayson (disambiguation), several persons
- Devin K. Grayson, American comic book writer
- Frances Wilson Grayson (died 1927), American flyer
- G. B. Grayson (1887–1930), American old-time fiddle player
- Garrett Grayson, American football player
- George Enoch Grayson (1833/4–1912), English architect
- Henry Grayson (1865–1951), English shipbuilder
- Henry Joseph Grayson (1856–1918), English scientist
- Jack Grayson, American country music artist
- Jeffrey Grayson (1942–2009), founder and former CEO of Capital Consultants
- John B. Grayson (1806–1861), U.S. Army officer
- Kathryn Grayson (1922–2010), American singer and actress
- Kevin Grayson (born 1988), American football player
- Larry Grayson (1923–1995), British television personality and gameshow host
- Neil Grayson (born 1964), English footballer
- Paul Grayson (cricketer) (born 1971), former English cricketer
- Paul Grayson (rugby union) (born 1971), English rugby union coach
- Ralph Grayson (1921–1991), American scientist and engineer
- Richard Grayson (disambiguation), several persons
- Simon Grayson (born 1969), British football player and manager
- Trey Grayson (born 1972), Secretary of State of Kentucky
- Victor Grayson (1881–1920), British socialist politician
- Wayne Grayson (born 1974), American voice actor
- William Grayson (disambiguation), several persons
Given name:
- Grayson Boucher (born 1984), basketball player
- Grayson Burne, British sprint canoer
- Grayson Hall (1922–1985), actress
- Grayson Perry (born 1960), British artist
Fictional characters:
- Grayson Death Carlyle, character in the BattleTech novel The Saga of the Gray Death Legion'
- Grayson (Highlander)
- Grayson Kent, main love interest of Jane in "Drop Dead Diva".
- Grayson Ellis, neighbor and then husband of Jules on "Cougar Town".
- Grayson Barrett, character in Robin Constantine's novel The Promise of Amazing'
- Amanda Grayson, the mother of Spock in the science fiction series Star Trek
- Debbie Grayson, a fictional character
- Dick Grayson, the civilian identity of the original Robin in comics, currently Nightwing
- Mark Grayson, the civilian identity of the comic book superhero Invincible
- Will Grayson, the two main characters in the novel Will Grayson, Will Grayson
- The Grayson family, the main characters from the ABC prime time series, Revenge.
- Conrad Grayson, patriarch of the Grayson family and ruthless businessman.
- Victoria Grayson, Conrad scheming and manipulative wife.
- Daniel Grayson, Conrad and Victoria's son reformed son, currently runs the family company, Grayson Global.
- Charlotte Grayson (aka Charlotte Clarke), Victoria's troubled daughter with David Clarke; raised as Conrad's daughter.
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