Name: Joakim
Gender: Male
Usage: Joakim, of hebrew origin, is a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name.
People having the name Joakim are in general originating from Denmark, Finland, France, Israel, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States of America.
Meaning: The meaning of the name Joakim is: God will establish, The lord will judge.
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N.B. Sometimes it happens that another name has the same meaning. There is nothing surprising in this: both names have the same origin or the same numbers of numerology.
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Numerology of the first name Joakim: calculate the core numbers of your numerology chart to discover your numerological profile and your personality traits.
The Growth number corresponding to this first name is 5. It denotes a pattern that assists you in growth and development: adventurous, energetic, curious, visionary, magnetic, expansive.
Qualities: Extroverted, Adventurous
Ruling planet: Mercury
Colors: White, Gray
Gemstones: Diamond
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The name Joakim is ranked on the 4,349th position of the most used names. It means that this name is commonly used.
We estimate that there are at least 73500 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.002% of the population. The name Joakim has six characters. It means that it is relatively medium-length, compared to the other names in our database.
We do not have enough data to display the number of people who were given the name Joakim for each year.
We do not have a name day for Joakim.
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History and Origin
Joakim or Joacim is a male name primarily used in Scandinavian cultures. It is derived from a transliteration of the Hebrew יהוֹיָקִים, and literally means "lifted by Jehovah". In the Old Testament Jehoiakim was a king of Judah. In the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican traditions, Saint Joachim was the husband of Saint Anne and the father of Mary, the mother of Jesus. The story of Joachim and Anne appears first in the apocryphal Gospel of James. Joachim and Anne are not mentioned in the Bible.
The following people are known by the given name Joakim or Joacim:
- Joakim Alexandersson (born 1976), Swedish football player
- Joakim Andersson (born 1971), Swedish diver
- Joakim Andersson (born 1989), Swedish ice hockey player
- Joakim Assenmacher (born 1963), German long jumper
- Joakim Austnes (born 1983), Norwegian football player
- Joakim Berg (born 1970), Swedish musician
- Joakim Bonnier (1930–1972), Swedish motor racer
- Joakim Bäckström (born 1978), Swedish golfer
- Joakim Brodén, member of Sabaton band
- Joacim Cans (born 1970), member of HammerFall band
- Joakim Cronman (1638–1703), Swedish soldier
- Joacim Eriksson (born 1990), Swedish ice hockey player
- Joakim Eriksson (born 1979), Swedish ice hockey player
- Joacim Esbjörs (born 1970), Swedish ice hockey player
- Joakim Garff (born 1960), Danish theologian
- Joakim Gruev (1828–1912), Bulgarian writer
- Joakim Haeggman (born 1969), Swedish golfer
- Joakim Hagabakken (born 1978), Norwegian football player
- Joakim Halvarsson (born 1972), Swedish ski mountaineer
- Joakim Hedqvist (born 1977), Swedish bandy player
- Joakim Hellstrand, Swedish member of the Yogscast network
- Joakim Hillding (born 1988), Swedish ice hockey player
- Joakim Holmquist (born 1969), Swedish swimmer
- Joakim Ingelsson, Swedish orienteer
- Joakim Jonsson, Swedish drummer
- Joakim Karchovski (c. 1750–1820), Macedonian writer
- Joakim Karlsson (kickboxer), Swedish kickboxer
- Joakim Karlsson (footballer) (born 1989), Swedish footballer
- Joakim Lindengren (born 1962), Swedish cartoonist
- Joakim Lindström (born 1983), Swedish ice hockey player
- Joakim Lystad (born 1953), Norwegian civil servant
- Joakim Nätterqvist (born 1974), Swedish actor
- Joakim Nilsson (footballer born 1966), Swedish football player
- Joakim Nilsson (footballer born 1985), Swedish football player
- Joakim Nilsson (born 1971), Swedish javelin thrower
- Joakim Noah (born 1985), American–French–Swedish basketball player
- Joakim Nyström (born 1963), Swedish tennis player
- Joacim Persson, Swedish record producer and songwriter, see Twin (production team)
- Joakim Persson (born 1975), Swedish football player
- Joakim Petersson (born 1983) Swedish rockstar
- Joakim Pirinen (born 1961), Swedish cartoonist
- Joakim Puhk (1888–1942), Estonian businessman
- Joakim Frederik Schouw (1789–1852), Danish lawyer
- Joakim Sjöhage (born 1986), Swedish football player
- Joakim Soria (born 1984), Mexican baseball player
- Joakim Stulić (1730–1817), Croatian lexicographer
- Joakim Sundström (born 1965), Swedish sound designer and musician
- Joakim Thåström (born 1957), Swedish musician
- Joacim Tuuri (born 1989), Finnish footballer
- Joakim Vujić (1772–1847), Serbian dramatist
- Joakim Mogren, a pseudonym of Japanese video game producer Hideo Kojima
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