Name: Joe Kleine
Gender: Male
Birthday: 4 January 1962
Age: 62
Astrological sign: Capricorn
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Numerology of the first name Joe: calculate the core numbers of your numerology chart to discover your numerological profile and your personality traits.
The Growth number corresponding to this first name is 3. It denotes a pattern that assists you in growth and development: expressive, imaginative, sociable, jovial, positive, optimistic, artistic.
Qualities: Creative, Light-Hearted
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Colors: Purple, Lilac, Mauve
Gemstones: Amethyst
Astrological sign: Capricorn
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Joseph William Kleine (born January 4, 1962) is a retired American professional basketball player who played in the NBA.
Kleine, a seven-foot center, graduated from Slater High School in Slater, Missouri and originally enrolled to play basketball at the University of Notre Dame. After his freshman season, Kleine transferred to the University of Arkansas where he played alongside Alvin Robertson, who like Kleine would go on to a productive professional career.
Kleine was selected by the Sacramento Kings with the sixth pick in the 1985 NBA Draft. Kleine went on to have a fifteen-year NBA career, playing with the Kings as well as the Boston Celtics, Phoenix Suns, Los Angeles Lakers, New Jersey Nets, Chicago Bulls, and Portland Trail Blazers. He won an NBA championship ring in 1998 as a reserve center for the Bulls. His best season was with the Kings in 1985, when he averaged 9.8 PPG. At the time of his retirement from the NBA, he'd scored 4,666 points, had 3,991 total rebounds, and had scored 849 free throws out of 1,069 attempts.
Kleine played for the US national team in the 1982 FIBA World Championship, winning the silver medal. Along with his college teammate Robertson, he also won a gold medal as a member of the 1984 U.S. Olympic basketball team coached by Bob Knight. Sportswriter Jon Goode would later write in part that "Joe Kleine was never a star, but what made Kleine great was that he accepted his role and was ready to play every night."
After coaching AAU and high school basketball in Little Rock and serving as an analyst for Arkansas basketball games, he was hired as an assistant coach at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock in 2007.
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