Name: Marián

Gender: Male

Usage: Marián is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name.

People having the name Marián are in general originating from Czech Republic, Slovakia.

We apologize, but we don't have a meaning for this name. Please feel free to read what others say about this name and to share your comments if you have more information.

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Numerology of the first name Marián: calculate the core numbers of your numerology chart to discover your numerological profile and your personality traits.

The Growth number corresponding to this first name is 1. It denotes a pattern that assists you in growth and development: individualistic, determined, pioneering, bold, athletic, independent, active, self-confident.

Qualities: Leader, Determined
Ruling planet: Sun
Colors: Yellow, Orange, Gold
Gemstones: Topaz, Amber

Learn more with our free Numerology Tool

The name Marián is ranked on the 115,047th position of the most used names. It means that this name is rarely used.

We estimate that there are at least 300 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.001% of the population. The name Marián has six characters. It means that it is relatively medium-length, compared to the other names in our database.

The graph below represents the number of people who were given the name Marián for each year since 1900 in the U.S.A.:

We do not have a name day for Marián.

For other names check our Name Day Calendar

Marian is a given name, either derived from Marius (male) or Maria (female). In Slovak, and sometimes in Czech, the male name is accented Marián.


  • Marian von Bardowick (died 782), German deacon and saint
  • Marián Čalfa (born 1946), ethnic Slovak former Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia
  • Marian Cozma (1982-2009), Romanian handball player
  • Marian Czura, Polish-German filmmaker
  • Marian Foik (1933–2005), Polish sprinter
  • Marián Gáborík (born 1982), Slovak professional ice hockey player
  • Marian Gold (born 1954), German singer from the synth pop band Alphaville
  • Marian Heitger (1927-2012), German educationalist
  • Marián Hossa (born 1979), Slovak professional ice hockey player
  • Marian Hristov (born 1973), Bulgarian footballer
  • Marian Jaworski (born 1926), former Catholic archbishop
  • Marián Kochanský (1955-2006), Slovak singer
  • Marian Kudera (1923-1944), Polish resistance fighter against the Nazis
  • Marián Labuda (born 1944), Slovak actor
  • Marián Lapšanský (born 1947), Slovak pianist
  • Marian Moszoro, (born 1974), Polish economist
  • Marian Orzechowski, (born 1931), Polish economist and politician
  • Marian Oprea (born 1982), Romanian triple jumper
  • Marian Rejewski (1905-1980), Polish mathematician and cryptologist who solved the Nazi Enigma machine
  • Marian Sârbu (born 1958), Romanian trade unionist and politician
  • Marian Smoluchowski (1872-1917), Polish physicist
  • Marian Spychalski (1906-1980), Polish military leader and politician
  • Marian Tumler (1887-1987), Austrian theologian and Grand Master of the Teutonic Order
  • Marian Vanghelie (born 1968), Romanian politician
  • Marián Varga (born 1947), Slovak musician


  • Maid Marian, legendary companion of Robin Hood
  • Marian Anderson (1897-1993), African-American contralto opera singer
  • Marian Bell (economist) (born 1957), British economist
  • Marian Bell (field hockey) (born 1958), former Australian field hockey player
  • Marie Booth (1864-1937), third daughter of William and Catherine Booth, the founders of the Salvation Army; born Marian Billups Booth
  • Marian Stamp Dawkins (born 1945), British biologist
  • Marian Keyes (born 1963), Irish writer
  • Marian Rivera (born 1984), Spanish born-Filipino actress and model
  • Marian Shields Robinson (born 1937), mother of First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama

The section "History and Origin" of this page contains content from the copyrighted Wikipedia article "Marian (given name)"; that content is used under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). You may redistribute it, verbatim or modified, providing that you comply with the terms of the GFDL.

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