Marisa Tomei

Name: Marisa Tomei
Gender: Female
Country of nationality: United States of America
Occupation: Actress
Birthday: 4 December 1964
Age: 60
Astrological sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5 ft 4 in, 164 cm

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Numerology of the first name Marisa: calculate the core numbers of your numerology chart to discover your numerological profile and your personality traits.

The Growth number corresponding to this first name is 7. It denotes a pattern that assists you in growth and development: spiritual, intelligent, analytical, reserved, knowledgeable, mysterious, intuitive.

Qualities: Philosophical, Spiritual
Ruling planet: Neptune
Colors: Green
Gemstones: Moonstone
Astrological sign: Sagittarius

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Marisa Tomei (/məˈrɪsə toʊˈmeɪ/; born December 4, 1964) is an American actress of film , stage and television who has appeared in more than 30 motion pictures , about 10 plays and a few television shows. Regarded as one of the finest actresses of her generation. In a career spanning three decades, Tomei has received critical acclaim for many of her performances for which she received various awards and accolades. After attending Boston University for an year , Tomei decided to pursue a full time acting career. Following her work on famous television show As The World Turns, Tomei came to prominence as a cast member on The Cosby Show spinoff A Different World in 1987. After she had appeared in a few films making her debut in 1984 with The Flamingo Kid in a minor role she came to international attention in 1992 with comedy My Cousin Vinny, for which she won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.

Of the many films she appeared in over the past fifteen years, her most commercially successful to date are Only You (1994) What Women Want (2000), Anger Management (2003) , Wild Hogs (2007) and Parental Guidance (2012). She received critical acclaim for her performances in movies like Untamed Heart (1993), The Paper (1994), Unhook the Stars (1996), Slums of Beverly Hills (1998), In the Bedroom (2001) for which she received her second Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress,Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007), The Wrestler (2008) for which she received her third Academy Award nomination , Cyrus (2010) and most recently Love Is Strange (2014). In addition to movies and television Tomei has also done substantial work in the theatre. She was formerly involved with the Naked Angels Theatre Company and received acclaim for her performance in plays like Daughters (1986) , Wait Until Dark (1998) , Top Girls (2008) for which she received an nomination for Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actress in a Play and The Realistic Joneses (2014).

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