Name: Master P
Country of nationality: United States of America
Occupation: Actor, Entrepreneur, Investor, Producer, Rapper
Birthday: 29 April 1967
Age: 57
Astrological sign: Taurus
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Numerology of the first name Master: calculate the core numbers of your numerology chart to discover your numerological profile and your personality traits.
The Growth number corresponding to this first name is 22. It denotes a pattern that assists you in growth and development: visionary, successful, leader, innovative, genius.
Qualities: Successful, Visionary
Ruling planet: Uranus
Colors: Blue, Gray
Gemstones: Sapphire
Astrological sign: Taurus
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Percy Robert Miller (born April 29, 1970), better known by his stage name Master P or his business name P. Miller, is an American rapper, actor, entrepreneur, investor, author, filmmaker, producer, and philanthropist. He is the founder of the label No Limit Records, which went bankrupt and was relaunched as New No Limit Records through Universal Records & Koch Records, followed by Guttar Music Entertainment, & currently now No Limit Forever Records. He is the founder and CEO of P. Miller Enterprises, an entertainment and financial conglomerate and Better Black Television.
Miller gained fame in the late 1990s with the success of his group TRU and his fifth album Ice Cream Man, which contained his first single "Mr. Ice Cream Man". In 1997, after the success of one of his biggest singles to date, "Make 'Em Say Uhh!," went 2x platinum, Miller grew further in popularity. Then Miller released his second platinum album Ghetto D. Miller also starred in his own street film, mostly based on his life, I'm Bout It which was very successful.
In 1998, P. Miller released his most successful album to date MP Da Last Don. The album was also based on a film that Miller produced, which came out earlier that year with the same name. The album hit #1 on the Billboard Top 200 charts, selling over 400,000 copies in a week. The album was certified 4x platinum, with over four million copies sold, making it Miller's highest selling album. In 1999, Miller released his eighth album, Only God Can Judge Me. It was not as successful as his previous album, though it still managed to reach a gold certification. Miller also starred in the movie, I Got the Hook Up, with A.J. Johnson, along with the soundtrack of the same name. On November 28, 2000, he released his ninth album, Ghetto Postage with found success selling 500,000 copies, but it did not compare to his earlier more successful releases.
In the early 2000s, as No Limit Records popularity was slowly declining, so was Miller's. Miller would then re-launch No Limit Records as New No Limit Records. In 2001 Miller would released his tenth album entitled Game Face. In 2003, Miller starred in the film Lockdown. In 2004, Miller released his eleventh album, Good Side, Bad Side it charted number 1 on the Independent Billboards and sold 300,000 copies. The same year Miller released his first independent album Living Legend: Certified D-Boy on his new label Guttar Music, and the album only sold 75,000 copies.
In 2013 Forbes estimated Miller's net worth at nearly $350 million, which put him as the third richest figure in hip hop at the time. On December 6, 2013 Miller released his thirteenth studio album The Gift on his newly founded label No Limit Forever Records.
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