Name: Osbert

Gender: Male

Usage: Osbert, of anglo-saxon origin, is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name.

People having the name Osbert are in general originating from United Kingdom.

Meaning: The meaning of the name Osbert is: Divinely brilliant.

Please feel free to read what others say about this name and to share your comments if you have more information.

N.B. Sometimes it happens that another name has the same meaning. There is nothing surprising in this: both names have the same origin or the same numbers of numerology.

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Numerology of the first name Osbert: calculate the core numbers of your numerology chart to discover your numerological profile and your personality traits.

The Growth number corresponding to this first name is 7. It denotes a pattern that assists you in growth and development: spiritual, intelligent, analytical, reserved, knowledgeable, mysterious, intuitive.

Qualities: Philosophical, Spiritual
Ruling planet: Neptune
Colors: Green
Gemstones: Moonstone

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The name Osbert is ranked on the 43,202nd position of the most used names. It means that this name is rarely used.

We estimate that there are at least 3900 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.001% of the population. The name Osbert has six characters. It means that it is relatively medium-length, compared to the other names in our database.

We do not have enough data to display the number of people who were given the name Osbert for each year.

We do not have a name day for Osbert.

For other names check our Name Day Calendar

Osbert is a male given name and a surname.

It may refer to:

Given name:

  • Osbert or Osberht of Northumbria (died 867), King of Northumbria
  • Osbert or Osbeorn Bulax (died c. 1054), son of Siward, Earl of Northumbria
  • Osbert de Bayeux (fl. 1121−1184), medieval English cleric and archdeacon
  • Osbert of Clare (died in or after 1158), monk, elected prior of Westminster Abbey and briefly abbot, writer, hagiographer and forger of charters
  • Osbert of Dunblane (died 1230), Bishop of Dunblane
  • Osbert de Longchamp (c. 1155–before 1208), Anglo-Norman administrator
  • O. G. S. Crawford (1886-1957), English archaeologist and a pioneer in the use of aerial photographs in his field
  • Osbert fitzHervey (died 1206), Anglo-Norman royal judge
  • Osbert Lancaster (1908-1986), English cartoonist, author, art critic and stage designer
  • Osbert Mackie (1869-1927), English rugby union centre and Anglican priest
  • Osbert Molyneux, 6th Earl of Sefton (1871-1930), British courtier and Liberal politician
  • Osbert Mordaunt (1876-1949), English cricketer
  • Osbert Peake, 1st Viscount Ingleby (1897-1966), British Conservative Party politician
  • Osbert Salvin (1835-1898), English naturalist, ornithologist and herpetologist
  • Osbert Sitwell (1892-1969), English writer


  • Alphonse Osbert (1857-1939), French painter
  • William Fitz Osbert (died 1196), champion of the poor in London

English: from an Old English personal name composed of the elements ōs god + beorht bright, famous. It is not now common in the English-speaking world, but has been borne, for example, by the British cartoonist Osbert Lancaster and the writer Osbert Sitwell.

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