Name: Robert Chapin
Gender: Male
Occupation: Actor, Artist, Director, Producer
Birthday: 3 April 1964
Age: 60
Astrological sign: Aries
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Numerology of the first name Robert: calculate the core numbers of your numerology chart to discover your numerological profile and your personality traits.
The Growth number corresponding to this first name is 6. It denotes a pattern that assists you in growth and development: responsible, protective, stable, balanced, loving, compassionate.
Qualities: Romantic, Nurturing
Ruling planet: Venus
Colors: Blue
Gemstones: Emerald
Astrological sign: Aries
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Robert Chapin (born April 3, 1964 in Miami, Florida), is a stunt, fight and swordplay choreographer, visual effects artist and supervisor, actor, writer, director, and producer. He is popularly known for acting in and creating the longest running action horror web series called The Hunted. He is also known for creating visual effects for American Beauty, Crouching Tiger, Big Lebowski and X-Men. Chapin first starred in a film called Ring of Steel, of which he also wrote. As a fight choreographer and instructor, he is certified with the Societies of American, British, and Canadian Fight Directors. He has trained with stars such as Plácido Domingo, Robin Williams, David Hasselhoff, John Saxon, Marc Singer, Richard Grieco, Richard Lynch, Mike Norris, James Lew, Olivier Gruner, Jeff Conaway, Raye Hollitt, Tessie Santiago, and Angelica Bridges.
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