Name: Ryan Braun
Gender: Male
Country of nationality: United States of America
Birthday: 17 November 1983
Age: 41
Astrological sign: Scorpio
Height: 6 ft 0 in, 185 cm
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Numerology of the first name Ryan: calculate the core numbers of your numerology chart to discover your numerological profile and your personality traits.
The Growth number corresponding to this first name is 22. It denotes a pattern that assists you in growth and development: visionary, successful, leader, innovative, genius.
Qualities: Successful, Visionary
Ruling planet: Uranus
Colors: Blue, Gray
Gemstones: Sapphire
Astrological sign: Scorpio
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Ryan Joseph Braun (born November 17, 1983) is an American baseball right fielder for the Milwaukee Brewers of Major League Baseball (MLB). Braun is considered a five-tool player for his ability to hit for power and average, his baserunning speed, and his excellent fielding and arm strength.
Braun was a two-time All American at the University of Miami, where he was named "National Freshman of the Year" by Baseball America in 2003. The Brewers drafted him in the first round (fifth overall) in the 2005 MLB Draft. He was the team's Minor League Player of the Year in 2006.
He was ranked number seven by the Sporting News in its 2012 list of the 50 greatest current players in baseball. He was awarded the National League's Rookie of the Year in 2007, has won five Silver Slugger awards (2008–12), and won the National League (NL) Most Valuable Player (MVP) in 2011. He was named to five straight All-Star games (2008–12). Braun has led the NL three times in slugging percentage (in 2007, while setting the major league rookie record, 2011, and 2012), three times in extra-base hits (2008, 2011–12), and once each in hits (2009), home runs (2012), and runs (2012). On defense, he led all major league outfielders in fielding percentage in 2008, led NL left fielders in fielding percentage twice (2009 and 2011), and led NL left fielders in range factor in 2009 and 2012. His 128 home runs through 2010 were the 8th-most by any major leaguer ever through their first four seasons. Through 2014, he was fifth among all active ballplayers in career slugging percentage, and second among active left fielders in career fielding percentage.
Braun came under scrutiny for a disputed testosterone test that he failed in 2011, and then for his connection in 2012 to the Biogenesis of America clinic that allegedly provided performance-enhancing drugs to professional baseball players. After MLB's investigation following the Biogenesis scandal, on July 22, 2013, Braun was suspended without pay for the remainder of the 2013 season and playoffs (totaling 65 regular season games) for violating the league's drug policy.
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