Name: Valan
Gender: Unknown
Usage: Valan is not a popular first name.
We do not have enough data to determine in which part of the world this name is used.
We apologize, but we don't have a meaning for this name. Please feel free to read what others say about this name and to share your comments if you have more information.
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Numerology of the first name Valan: calculate the core numbers of your numerology chart to discover your numerological profile and your personality traits.
The Growth number corresponding to this first name is 5. It denotes a pattern that assists you in growth and development: adventurous, energetic, curious, visionary, magnetic, expansive.
Qualities: Extroverted, Adventurous
Ruling planet: Mercury
Colors: White, Gray
Gemstones: Diamond
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The name Valan is ranked on the 125,565th position of the most used names. It means that this name is rarely used.
We estimate that there are at least 300 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.001% of the population. The name Valan has five characters. It means that it is relatively medium-length, compared to the other names in our database.
We do not have enough data to display the number of people who were given the name Valan for each year.
We do not have a name day for Valan.
For other names check our Name Day Calendar
History and Origin
Valans are a Malayali caste based in Kerala, India. According to some, the name derives from their use of tail nets (valu vala) for fishing. According to the people's traditional beliefs, they were brought to Kerala by Parasurama to work as boatmen, conveying passengers across the rivers and backwaters on the west coast.
Another tradition is that the Valans were Arayans, and they became a separate caste only after one of the Perumal had selected some of their families for boat service, and conferred on them special privileges. They pride themselves that their caste is one of remote antiquity, and claim that ancient members included Vyasa, author of the Vishnu Purana, and Guhan, the legendary boatman who assisted Rama.
There are no subdivisions in the caste, but the members are said to belong to four exogamous Illam (House of Namboothiri), namely, Alayakkad, Ennalu, Vaisyagiram and Vazhapally. These correspond to the gotras of the Brahmins, or to four clans, the members of each of which are perhaps descended from a common ancestor. According to a tradition current among them, they were once attached to the four Namboothiri illam above mentioned for service of some kind, and were even the descendants of the members of the illams, but were doomed to the present state of degradation on account of some misconduct.
Even now, these Brahmin families are held in great respect by Valans, who when afflicted with family calamities, visit the respective illams with present of a few packets of betel leaves and few annas, to receive the blessing of Brahman masters, which, according to their belief, may tend to avert them.
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