Name: Zlatko
Gender: Male
Usage: Zlatko is a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name.
People having the name Zlatko are in general originating from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia.
We apologize, but we don't have a meaning for this name. Please feel free to read what others say about this name and to share your comments if you have more information.
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Numerology of the first name Zlatko: calculate the core numbers of your numerology chart to discover your numerological profile and your personality traits.
The Growth number corresponding to this first name is 22. It denotes a pattern that assists you in growth and development: visionary, successful, leader, innovative, genius.
Qualities: Successful, Visionary
Ruling planet: Uranus
Colors: Blue, Gray
Gemstones: Sapphire
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The name Zlatko is ranked on the 7,866th position of the most used names. It means that this name is commonly used.
We estimate that there are at least 34300 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.001% of the population. The name Zlatko has six characters. It means that it is relatively medium-length, compared to the other names in our database.
We do not have enough data to display the number of people who were given the name Zlatko for each year.
We do not have a name day for Zlatko.
For other names check our Name Day Calendar
History and Origin
Zlatko (Cyrillic script: Златко) is a Slavic masculine given name. The name is derived from the word zlato meaning "gold".
Zlatko is a given name. Notable people with the name include:
- Zlatko Ćosić, experimental filmmaker and video artist
- Zlatko Čajkovski (1923–1998), Croatian and Yugoslavian football (soccer) player and coach
- Zlatko Đorić (born 1976), Serbian footballer
- Zlatko Škorić (born 1941), former Croatian football player
- Zlatko Šugman (1932–2008), one of Slovenia's best known theater, television and film actors
- Zlatko Arambasic (born 1969), former Australian football (soccer) player
- Zlatko Baloković (1895–1965), Croatian violinist
- Zlatko Boskovski, Macedonian footballer (born 1986)
- Zlatko Burić (born 1953), Croat-Danish actor
- Zlatko Crnković, several people
- Zlatko Dalić (born 1966), Croatian football coach and former player
- Zlatko Dedič (born 1984), Slovenian football forward
- Zlatko Delovski (born 1979), Macedonian footballer who plays as a midfielder
- Zlatko Gall (born 1954), Croatian journalist, commentator and rock critic from Split
- Zlatko Grgić (1931–1988), Croatian animator who emigrated to Canada in the late 1960s
- Zlatko Horvat (born 1984), Croatian handball player
- Zlatko Ivanković, Croatian football coach current Head Coach of NK Sloboda Varaždin
- Zlatko Janjić (born 1986), Bosnian footballer
- Zlatko Jovanović (born 1984), Bosnian professional basketball player
- Zlatko Junuzović (born 1987), Austrian footballer of Bosnian descent
- Zlatko Komadina (born 1958), Croatian politician, vice-president of the Social Democratic Party of Croatia
- Zlatko Kramarić (born 1956), Croatian liberal politician from Osijek
- Zlatko Kranjčar (born 1956), Croatian football manager and former striker
- Zlatko Krasni (1951–2008), Serbian poet of Czech origin, lived in Belgrade for most of his life
- Zlatko Krmpotić (born 1958), Serbian football manager and former defender
- Zlatko Lagumdžija (born 1955), Bosniak politician and academic
- Zlatko Manojlović (born 1951), Serbian musician
- Zlatko Mateša (born 1949), the Prime Minister of Croatia from late 1995 until January 31, 2000
- Zlatko Nastevski (born 1957), Macedonian retired football (soccer) player
- Zlatko Papec (born 1934), former Croatian footballer
- Zlatko Pejaković, Croatian singer
- Zlatko Perica (born 1969), guitarist
- Zlatko Portner (born 1962), former Yugoslav handball player
- Zlatko Runje (born 1979), Croatian goalkeeper
- Zlatko Saračević (born 1961), Croatian former handball player
- Zlatko Sedlar, Croatian slalom canoeist who competed in the mid-1990s
- Zlatko Sudac (born 1971), Roman Catholic diocesan priest for the diocese of Krk, Croatia
- Zlatko Tanevski (born 1983), Macedonian footballer (defender)
- Zlatko Tomčić (born 1945), Croatian politician, former leader of the Croatian Peasant Party
- Zlatko Vitez (born 1950), Croatian theatre and film actor
- Zlatko Vujović (born 1958), former Bosnian footballer who played as a striker
- Zlatko Yankov (Bulgarian: Златко Янков) (born 1966), retired Bulgarian football midfielder
- Zlatko Zahovič (born 1971), retired Slovenian footballer, who played as an attacking midfielder
- Zlatko Zebić (born 1979), Serbian football player
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