Numerology of the first name Marie: calculate the core numbers of your numerology chart to discover your numerological profile and your personality traits.

Name: Marie

Birth date: 28/12/1959

Astrological sign: Capricorn

The name Marie has 5 letters - 2 consonants and 3 vowels:

  • Consonants: m - r
  • Vowels: a - i - e

Growth number: 1

The Growth number corresponding to the first name Marie is 1. It denotes a pattern that assists you in growth and development: individualistic, determined, pioneering, bold, athletic, independent, active, self-confident.

Calculation steps:


Your Life Path number is 1.
Your Growth number is 1.

Qualities: Leader, Determined
Ruling planet: Sun
Colors: Yellow, Orange, Gold
Gemstones: Topaz, Amber

Profile of the original person

You are an original! Independent and courageous, you are a creative achiever and a strong individual. Your path will take you down the road to independence, and you'll learn the benefits of being self-sufficient. Your first lesson is to learn to stand comfortably on your own two feet without leaning on other people. Once you learn this lesson, you will move to the next level of this life path number: leadership. You are a born leader, and you will have many opportunities to demonstrate this ability in life. Your strong pioneering spirit, courage and determination will serve you well along this road. You will be successful in any career field that allows you to utilize your unique ideas and pioneering spirit!

N.B. Sometimes it happens that another name has the same number of numerology. There is nothing surprising in this: the sum of the numbers assigned to each letter of the name is the same.

Type your name into the fields, then click the Calculate button.

You will get your core numbers according to the Pythagorean method of calculation and the definition assigned to each digit.

Life Path number

The Life Path is the most important number in your numerology chart and is derived from your date of birth. It reveals your most fulfilling direction and the major lessons you are here to learn during this lifetime. This number gives a broad outline of the opportunities and challenges you will encounter and the personal traits that will assist you on this journey. Your Life Path number is derived from the sum total of the digits that make up your birth date.

Expression number

Your Expression number is derived from the numbers that correspond to the letters in your full name, and it reveals the talents and abilities instilled in you at birth. This is sometimes referred to as your potential or destiny.

Heart's Desire number

This number is made up from the vowels in your full birth name. It represents your inner cravings, likes and dislikes, which are usually kept rather private.

Personality number

This number is made up from the consonants in your full birth name. Your Personality number reveals your surface traits, how you like to dress, and how you tend to act with other people.

Hereditary number

The Heredity number is derived from your name and it unveils your behavior regarding your relationships with other people.

Growth number

This number is derived from the letters of your first name only. The Growth number acts as a modifier to your Life Path number. It denotes a pattern that assists you in growth and development. It could be used as a tool to help you in your life journey.